Saturday, March 26, 2005

Good Friday

For the Easter holidays I'm back to Central-South Italy and yesterday I had an opportunity to see an ancient procession 'via Crucis' in Chieti.

It's said that it's the most ancient procession in Italy organized by fraternity 'del Sacro Monte'. The carried cross with 'Cristo morto' is followed by the statue of Madonna Addolorata and '7 mysteries of passion'. These are followed by 100 violinists and a large chorus and their canto is really giving some shivers, it's quite scary to see every member of procession with a hood - white, black or red... And of course there are lots of people (and you can't see anything!):)

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Missing the nature


It's my second week in Pavia and I realized I'm actually missing seeing the nature - I'm surrounded by high buildings (so nice as they can be), but I rarely see the sun, the hills or a forest.. So today I asked my groupmates if they know some fast way to get out of the town and to have some interesting views in the surroudings... Well, seems I will have to find my way myself.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

New start in Pavia

Today was the second day of my new life in Pavia, south to Milano where I started master studies in Market, Society and Teritory research. Aha, quite interesting, but many statistics...

Today I finally found a room to rent so tomorrow I'm moving in and leaving my hotel of 2 stars :) Which was quite nice, but too expensive for a student like me. Ok, so far the start seems ok. The people are great, very helpful and warm (in Italian style).

Another disgusting thing which waits for me is to get a permission for living in Italy. And here all the problems start, because in police (questura) officials tend not to know anything about Lithuania becoming a member of teh EU and new rules applied to Lithuanians for entering the country and living there. However, this week I will find out what they will tell me...

I'm sorry I left my photocamera in Termoli because here I don't have any pc to store my photos, because every morning I see something nice to photograph because Pavia is a nice place.

Ok, ciao, me ne vado..